I've been on-and-off with this Grixis deck: Bolas Is Behind It All!
I like making new decks because there's something thrilling about seeing if it "works." Things aren't quite right with the Bolas deck, but I suspect the reason is that I'm not using any cards from my other EDH decks in it. That's right: no duplicates.
Without all the "mana rocks," I'm just not accelerating like I want to. The spells I'm running are on the expensive side, so all too often I'm in the position of holding onto a handful of good stuff but with no way to throw it out there. I may have to bend my rule to put a few staple cards in to boost the mana production around turn 4-5 in most games.
I had a chance to play a three-player game this weekend with the deck, though. And the core concept actually worked out the way I wanted it to. I lost the game, but it was worth it. Chris was able to infect me out with Glistening Oil, but before he did I had lots of fun stuff out on the table. Heck, Rhystic Study was even working for me!
For one, Kaervek the Merciless totally lives up to his name. Once he drops, I get to start shooting things left and right. At one point, Ben cast Elesh to which Chris responded with Gather Specimens. Blamo.
I also had Vicious Shadows out. Talk about scary. Suddenly, everyone starts to get real careful about who attacks who and when. Blamo.
I was grabbing other commanders with Control Magic and Slave of Bolas. I was dropping Planeswalkers as speed bumps. I was drawing fistfulls of cards with Consecrated Sphinx. It was a good ol' time. At one point, Ben cast Congregation at Dawn putting Sun Titan on top of his deck along with a few other creatures. I cast Telemin Performance. Blamo.
Like I said, I may need to bend the rule about not including cards I have in other decks to really make this deck work. But, despite losing, it was one of the best games of Magic I've played in a while.