I have a couple of tweaks to the Demon deck, but nothing major. I'm settling in on what the deck is and what the deck isn't. The deck lacks inevitability and it lacks the ability to rally.
You know that moment in a game where you haven't won yet, but you just can't lose? That's inevitability. It doesn't mean that the other guy can't come out of nowhere with a Storm Herd or Torrent of Souls or a miracle Entreat the Angels for the win. This is Magic, Commander Magic. Stuff like that happens. But when I play Demons, I always feel like I'm right on the edge of being pushed back under control even when I should be pushing the advantage.
The ability to rally is when the other guy is beating you soundly, his deck has inevitability, and you just need to peel one card that'll end it right there. I'm not talking about a card like Damnation that can level the playing field. I'm talking about a card that turns the tide. Insurrection comes to mind. In black, something like Exsanguinate for the win is a rally card.
Either way, Demons makes for a fun, flavorful theme in black. I'm now looking at the creature removal and will try to make a list for you of what goes in and why in another post.
If I get a chance to play this weekend, I have some changes to the Arcanis / Eldrazi deck that I want to try out. I'm using cards in that deck that I don't normally use, so that means no Sol Ring, no Pilgrim's Eye, etc. It'll be a less consistent deck that way, but it's always good to open up new lines of play.
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