Sunday, May 19, 2013

M14 Spoiler: Rise of the Dark Realms, Rings of Three Wishes, Primeval Bounty, Into the Wilds

M14 spoilers are coming in hot and heavy. Slivers are back! So, we have that to look forward to. You know, because they were so much fun the first time around. But it's not all slivers. A few other cards have caught my eye so far. Take a look.

(Check out the up-to-date spoiler at

Rise of the Dark Realms


Oh, hell, yes. I routinely hit 9 mana with my demons deck and I always find myself looking for a haymaker at that point in the game. How about I reanimate... everything? That should do it.

Ring of Three Wishes

My wish this Christmas: cards!5 mana and an artifact. I can drop this in lots of decks. For a 5 mana activation, I can use up one of my wishes to go get any card I want! Not a bad deal. Anything that lets you replay an artifact or untap an artifact will push this. Plus, check out that artwork!

Into the Wilds


I see they are pushing this theme more into green. I'm a huge fan of the card Future Sight (and it's creature-based brother, Magus of the Future). If I played green, Oracle of Mul Daya would be in that deck, you know. Into the Wilds probably would be, too.

Primeval Bounty


Okay, when this happens that happens. And then when that happens, this happens. Then, sometimes some other stuff happens. But only when certain things happen. Got it?

Wait, it's 6 mana and it has "Primeval" in its name? Uh-oh. 

I like this for the green mage. The reason I like this is that I like incremental advantage, where little things just keep adding up. This card is full of incremental advantage. Casting a creature spell? Here's a bonus 3/3 dude. Casting a non-creature spell? Here are some +1/+1 counters, three of 'em. Putting a land into play? Gain some life!

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