Thursday, June 17, 2021

Old School MTG: Revisiting Yawgmoth Reanimator (Again!)

 I've played this deck a few times over the years, but it was time to make a few small changes.

Old School Yawgmoth Demon Reanimator

I included the Coffin combo, Hell's Caretaker, Fallen Angel, and the Su-Chi / Priest dynamic duo. This deck is fun because it has so many lines of play.

This is me losing despite having a board like that!

The deck still lacks real card drawing. Ideally, reanimating creatures would create enough virtual card advantage to make up for raw card drawing, but in practice it doesn't always work out that way. Even though the Jalum Tomes can throw cards in the graveyard to get the undead party started, those should probably just be Jayemdae Tomes or split with Greed if I want to get fancy. I'd also swap out a Swamp for a Diamond Valley for those times when I just need the life boost or have an Animate Dead stranded.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Old School MTG: Colorless Parfait


Old School Colorless Parfait

This is a deck I blogged about months ago, but never got a chance to try out. Well, I tried it out.

It's working!

It works when it works. It's one of those decks. You know the kind.

There's a few problems. It's threat-light. There are 4x Vise and 4x Factories to deal damage. But! There's no good way in this configuration to permanently deal with opposing creatures. What happens in my experience is that the board gets gummed up with creatures I am forced to untap with the Mazes, so it's nearly impossible to push damage through with the Factories. And even with 4x Icy and 2x Relic Barrier, it's pretty easy to get "locked" under my own Orb. In a couple of my test games, the Vises didn't show up on time and I got overwhelmed.

The deck can manage fewer Orbs and doesn't need the Cane. Any game where the Cane matters is not a game I want to play to the end. That frees up two slots for 2x Copper Tablet, which might help move things along.

Meekstone and Forcefield are both fine... in the sideboard. The deck wants the Tabernacle to force the creatures off the board under the Orb and then swing with Factories. A couple of Candelabra would also open up possibilities. Disk seems like an auto-include and might be worth testing again, but in an earlier version of the deck I ended up bombing myself back to the stone age with it and it didn't work out to my advantage.

I'm not sure how a mirror match would go. That would be a heck of a thing.

The deck doesn't have much to do with Tron mana after dragging the game out. A Rocket Launcher might actually be the thing to close out games with this list. One Workshop could be cut.

Ultimately, this strategy works better in White. Moat, Armageddon, Balance, Swords, Disenchant. You know the drill. Wrath of God would be good too.