Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Elspeth vs. Kiora


Just cracked this thing open tonight and played a quick game of Magic. It went something like this.

Dictate of HeliodElspeth, Sun's Champion

Elspeth (me), trying to get to six lands to cast the planeswalker while using all of my combat tricks to not die to Kiora's monsters. End of turn flash out Dictate of Heliod, untap, rip sixth land, drop Elspeth, +1 for three soldiers, nine power on the board.

Pass turn.

Sealock MonsterInkwell Leviathan

Kiora (opponent), makes Sealock Monster monstrous. Proceeds to islandwalk all over me with huge sea monsters.

I probably should have used Elspeth's second ability to kill the nasty fish, but I got greedy.

Uh, soldiers! I choose soldiers!

That's just one game, so who knows if the balance is right with these two decks. There have been some big differences in power in past Duel Decks. But, oh man, am I excited to add both of these shiny planeswalkers to my collection!

I'm going to play as many games as I can with these decks over the next few weeks intact using the Alternate Rules: Planeswalker Magic. After that, I feel another Planeswalker Tournament coming on. It's time again to see which planeswalker will come out on top when Elspeth and Kiora enter the fray.

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