Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Old School Commander MTG: Unreasonably Excited About Sindbad


I've been kicking around the idea of building an Old School Commander deck for a couple of years now, but I couldn't figure out how I wanted to approach it.

The Beasts of the Bay created some Old School Commander rules. That was a good start. They have a list of single-color creatures that they consider legal to use as a commander. The problem is that legendary wasn't a thing until the Legends set. So, named creatures from before Legends are not technically legendary for use as a commander.

I wanted to use a single color commander because I like the way those types of decks look. It's as simple as that. Sindbad looks the most interesting to me, so I'm starting there.

The thing is, it's not like people are lining up to play OS Commander where I live. So, I decided that I would follow the normal Commander ban list for my first draft. Most of the cards that are both OS legal AND Commander legal AND follow the color identity of Sindbad are awful. I'm anticipating the deck will be a 2 out of 10 power level.

The good news is that most of the people I play against are casual. The decks are 5 out of 10, not finely tuned killing machines. I'm hoping to put up a fight, even if it doesn't mean winning most of the time. The other option, which I may end up going to, is to drop the Commander ban list and go with all available cards in the OS legal sets. This would give me access to a few more cards than I have access to now. Still nothing crazy. It would probably bump me up to 3 out of 10.

Ramp and Card Draw in the early sets is not great and few and far between. I'll write up more about the deck once I get a chance to play a few games with it. Stay tuned.

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