Saturday, July 21, 2012

My Pet Card: Temporal Aperture

Temporal ApertureThe card I try to fit into every deck. The card I'm (almost) always pleased to draw. The card that's awesome, even when it only gives me a land. My pet card: Temporal Aperture.

I've liked this card ever since it came out. I still have the copy I got when Urza's Saga was released (foreign!) and I try to cram it into every big deck I make. Nearly half the time, I turn over a land. But the other half of the time I turn over something awesome.

Because it costs 5 mana to activate, once it's out I have a tendency to ignore anything in my hand and activate the Aperture every turn. It's like crack. Once you start, you just can't stop. And just like crack, it'll lead you down some winding roads. Sometimes I waste three turns tapping out to reveal lands. But sometimes... Eldrazi! It's like a pinata! Full of monsters!

What's your pet card?

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